October 19 2023 / Music For All the Dogs Album Review

To be completely honest, this album was pretty mediocre. The only song I really enjoyed was First Person Shooter but everything else was either decent or bad. 8AM in Charlotte, Gently, Daylight were decent songs as well. It feels like Drake does not have to drop good music now because he is so popular, and people will listen to his music anyways, no matter the quality.

The production value is underwhelming and the lyrics are thoughtless. One of the most disappointing songs is Rich Baby Daddy because Sexyy Red had the worst lyrics ever written. The album just sounds like almost every other rap song and has no innovation. Despite this heavy criticism the album did have its highs and its highs were pretty high. However, its lows are really low.

This was a short blog post and on the topic of college apps, I'm finally close to finishing my first school. I'll keep you guys updated after I finish all of these apps.